About Kim (me, the artist) -

I have a multidisciplinary background that began with a youthful passion for art. I fed and watered that passion both in and out of school and managed to develop it further while earning my Bachelor of Science in Architecture. After graduation and a few years working as an interior designer, I went back to school to earn my Masters of Fine Arts in painting and drawing. I received a classical education in figurative oil painting in the tradition of the old masters. While researching my graduate thesis, I became enthralled with the juxtaposition of my feminist views and the societal pressures that women, including myself, bend under to conform to our culture’s perception of beauty.

Over the last ten years, I have devoured books on the perception of female beauty in everything from art history to pop culture and feminist writings. This research project quickly became an impetus for personal development and self-awareness. My art has become a platform to open discussions about the pressure strong, successful women still feel to be pretty, no matter how hard we try to overcome.

Color has always been a critical aspect of my art, especially in skin tones. When working with oils or oil pastels, I have been strongly influenced by the unexpected and vibrant color stories of Wayne Thiebaud and Steven Assael. In my recent photography projects, working with Barbie, I instead use the set design and fashion to tell a color story. Color transcends generations and languages, can unify disparate elements, transform your understanding of a familiar object and invoke emotions the forms couldn’t manifest on their own.  

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